A Simple & Quick approach to achieve a deep state of inner stillness: Moment to Moment Silent commentary

In my earlier posts, I have suggested some easy methods for achieving a state of stillness by completely silencing the mind. Some people who try these but are still not able to achieve a still state of the mind, come to me asking for further easier methods. In such cases, I recommend the Moment to moment mental commentary method which according to what I have experienced is the easiest method to achieve a mindless state especially for people who find it very difficult to sit at one place and meditate or keep their mind still.

In this method, there is no need to sit at one place, instead we can go ahead with whatever we are doing but have a commentary of what we are doing, running silently in the background. (Not loudly .. but in our mind). Along with this commentary, we also need to maintain awareness of the body and the actions that we are performing. I have found that it is helpful to become mindful and aware of our actions. It helps us to access the now by becoming anchored to the actions that we are performing. It is helpful if we slow down our actions a little bit by about 10-20 %  or more while doing this.

Also, it helps to disassociate our real self i.e. the witness deep within from the Body which has a name and identity. For instance, my name is Sachin, which is the name that my parents gave to this body of mine when it came into existence. However, the real me, the one who’s been eternally present, who’s wearing this body of mine like a clothing, and who’s been witnessing everything my body does, is different from Sachin. This spirit doesn’t  have any name and form. This spirit was there before this body came into existence and will remain after this body ceases to exist. So, the idea is to become aware of the fact that our real presence is different from this body of ours that is in action. it can actually watch the body silently from the background. Now let’s understand how to do this.

As I get up from my chair, I say in my mind.. ” Sachin is getting up from the chair”  then as I walk up to pick up the newspaper, I say .. “Sachin is now walking” then .. Sachin is picking up the newspaper, Sachin is reading a news related to India’s win in Olympics …   and I let the commentary go on silently in my mind . Then if I go to the kitchen to toast some bread, I say Sachin is putting bread into the toaster, Sachin is applying butter to it, etc… Basically, I am anchoring myself to the NOW, the Present moment. And when we anchor ourselves to the NOW, the mind simply disappears. It cannot exist in the Here and Now.

After a few minutes of doing this, the commentary will become very silent and will fade into our awareness. we just are deeply aware of each action but are not saying it in my mind. Just let this continue for a while and you’ll feel a deep sense of silence, stillness and calmness in my body. Gradually, you might feel as if you are floating (This will take time. Don’t expect this if you are doing it for the first time) .

Everyday spend 5-10 minutes doing this moment to moment commentary awareness meditation and you will start realizing a very deep change happening within.

I suggest that you do this at a time when you are at home and not at your workplace. Choose a time when you don’t need to interact with anyone face to face or phone.  It becomes too challenging that way. Do it when you are with yourself at home or having a morning walk or while shopping.

Try this and let me know if you need any support from my side. Have a nice day ahead !!

Self Realization by simply being ‘Aware of Awareness’

In this post, I am giving you a simple way to achieve a very profound state of awareness.

Simply follow the steps listed below.

1. Sit in a relaxed position on a chair or cross legged and have a pillow placed on your lap.

2. Place both of your hands on top the pillow with your palms facing down.

3. Become aware of your palms touching the pillow. Look at your hands – fingers and be aware of their presence. Do this for 2 minutes.

4. Become aware of your surroundings using all of your sensory organs – Eyes, Ears and Touch, Smell etc (look at and listen to your surroundings, feel the touch of your clothes or your body touching the chair. (While doing this, simultaneously maintain your awareness on your hands/ palms touching the pillow.

Let’s call all these things that you are aware of as A, B, C….. Now be aware of these for 2-3 minutes.

5.  At this stage as your awareness goes deeper, you will feel a certain feeling of peace within. You will feel calm and relaxed. There’s a chance that the chatter of your mind jumping around might have reduced significantly. Experience this feeling of peace and calm.

6. This is the most crucial stage.  By this time you are already aware of some A, B, C things around you as well as your body. Let’s call this state of being aware as X.

Now simply be aware of this awareness (not of the objects ABC but aware of of the state of being aware i.e X ).

In a short while you will get a glimpse of something either inside you or in the background that’s aware of your awareness. You’ll soon feel deeper peace as you get introduced to this entity. I am not calling it a a Thing because it is actually No-thing (Nothing)

This diagram will be able to explain how awareness becomes aware of itself.

7. This no-thing ness is nothing else but our true self that has always been present in the background since eternity, in the form of pure awareness. It’s been the only thing that’s been with us, aware of each and every thing right from our birth till date and even right now.

8. As you be come aware of this pure awareness, you will start feeling an amazing sense of bliss and joy.. Experience this for a few minutes more.

9. A few minutes later, you might start experiencing a feeling of stillness within yourself. This stillness feels as if you are deeply rooted or grounded at the place where you are sitting. It is a state of peace, joy, bliss, stillness, unboundedness and a feeling of oneness (non duality) with the surroundings.  Experience this for a few minutes.

10. Spend some time being aware of this state of stillness and then whenever you wish, you can just gently get up from your chair and continue with the rest of your day. Since your body will be in an extremely relaxed state, please do not immediately get into anything that will suddenly give it a shock. Let the transition be a bit gradual.

I am confident that these steps will help you to experience a deep state of pure awareness and stillness. Keep in mind that step 6 is the most critical stage. Do let me know if you need any further support.

Have a wonderful day ahead!!


Healing at the Deepest Level: The Zero Point & Stillness

We all know that for solving any problem, we need to go to the Root of the problem and then resolve it. The deeper we go, the better.

In case of our body too, when any disease starts, it starts in the form of a disturbance in either Energy or Order at a very deep quantum level from where it starts creating impact on upper levels and at the end of it, the disturbance manifests into a disease which we can see as a physical form in the body.

In most cases people make the mistake of treating the symptom which doesn’t help at all. This primarily happens because the symptom is the only thing that we see and feel and therefore have an inclination towards treating it. This is however a mistake. The principle of problem solving says that never solve a symptom, solve the cause and the symptom will automatically disappear. Resolving the issue at a surface level doesn’t help.

The Root cause of the problem / illness is often hidden deep within and people don’t bother to go deeper.  However, one must note that if we simply treat a health issue at a superficial level but do not resolve it at the deepest level where it has started, then the problem will soon return.

Therefore, in the process of healing, the deeper we go, the better is the effect we get to see.  Now, let’s understand what we mean by going deeper into the body for healing.

If we have to treat a Body, we need to go down a level deeper i.e. an Organ Level . That’s where a surgeon goes and tries to treat the problem by cutting, correcting, adjusting, stitching, or replacing things physically.

If we have to go further deeper, then we need to go down to a Cellular level, where probably treatment such as nutrition therapy, Ayurveda, Herbal Therapy /Naturopathy etc would work. If we had to go deeper, we would have to go further deeper to an Atomic level where treatment would be done by using various medicines/ drugs / chemicals / chemotherapy etc used by doctors following conventional medicine or Allopathy. If we had to go deeper than this, we would need to go to a  Sub-Atomic / Nano Particle level, where healing methods such as Homeopathy work.

If we decide to go further deeper to do the healing, then below nano particles, there are Waves. (Waves come together and form Particles). So, treatment at this level is done using Radiation therapy, Light therapy, Colour Therapy, Sound therapy etc..

However, if we decide to go further deeper, then below waves, then below waves there’s Nothing. Waves are created from a state of complete stillness, a complete state of nothingness. So, if we want to go down to the deepest level to do the healing, then we need to access this state. This state is called as the Zero Point. It’s a state of Stillness. It’s a godlike state, as rightly described by Eckhart Tolle.

We all have the ability to access the state of Zero point if we want. However, for this, we need to be able to completely silence the mind. The mind keeps jumping to the Past or Future and rarely allows us to experience the zero point. At the Zero point, the mind simply doesn’t exist. it disappears, and then from that arises a state of bliss, stillness and complete unity with the universe. It is simple to achieve this state if we really wish so. I can teach you how to do this.

Once we reach the zero point, our body or the  body of the person we are treating instantly creates a correction in Energy and Order, thereby eliminating the root cause of the disease. Then in an instant, all other levels above undergo a change and we can see healing happening almost instantly.

I recently treated a lady with breast cancer & metastatic cancer spread at many other places  and she told me that she could feel the lumps in her breast and other parts simply dissolve and move out of her system the moment I started treating her. Recently, after a couple of months, and a few chemo sessions, her doctor was surprised to see the unbelievable healing that had taken place.

I have witnessed more than 500 healing events of various types over the last 2-3 years which people called as miracles since they couldn’t understand the simple process and logic behind it.

The Zero point is like a Still pond of water. Just drop a small tiny intention into it and it will instantly create ripples.  It’s a zone full of Love, Oneness, Silence and Stillness. A state of Non-Duality with the universe and a state of Complete Bliss . and in this state, each one of us has the potential to heal anything that’s out of place.

For more information on this healing method and two other very powerful healing techniques, you can refer to an e- book that I have published on Amazon. The link is given below:



Managing Time Effectively: The Key to Success

Time is a resource that if managed well can significantly impact one’s productivity and success in life.

For every individual, the following two factors are important in life..

  1. Effectiveness – i.e. Achieving the desired End-Result or Objective
  2. Efficiency– i.e. Doing it in the minimum possible inputs or resources

Effectiveness is achieved by being focused on the Goal and then doing whatever is required to achieve that goal.

In contrast, Efficiency is defined as the ratio of Output to Input.

In order to increase efficiency, we need to either

  1. Increase our output for the same input.. or
  2. Achieve the same output, but with a decrease in the inputs.

If you closely look at all the inputs shown in the figure above, you will realize that we can manage / adjust/ manipulate/ reorganize all other inputs except Time.

Time is a resource that cannot be managed at all. We can’t save a bit of time today and use it tomorrow. It just comes and goes. 

The reality is that we cannot manage time, instead we have to manage ourselves within the available time.

In this post, I am listing 20 guidelines that can help one manage time better. For many of these points, a separate detailed post will follow.

  1. We need to first change our attitude towards time. We must start valuing time, i.e our own time and other’s time too, by being punctual and disciplined.
  2. We need to be clear on our goals- both long term goals and short term goals.
  3. We need to identify where our time goes by writing a time log so that we become aware as to where we are spending our time and what proportion of our time goes in value adding and Non value adding activities.
  4. We must start our day by writing a To-Do list of all activities that need to be accomplished during the day.
  5. Once a To-Do list is made, we must prioritize tasks based on certain criteria and then pick up tasks to do based on their priority.
  6. We must keep ourselves focused on the list and keep crossing / checking tasks as we complete them. Unfinished tasks must be moved to the next day’s list with a revised priority.
  7. We must invest time in activities such as Planning, Organizing, Scheduling, Relationship building, Forecasting, Budgeting etc, which happen to be Q2 activities of the Time Matrix (I will explain this in a separate post)
  8. We need to identify Time Wasters i.e. tasks that we spend time in regularly, which are neither directly nor indirectly related to our goals.
  9. We need to figure out different ways that can help us complete our tasks in lesser time. Innovating the process can help us achieve reduction in time.
  10. Before making time commitments to others, we must do a realistic assessment of how much time the activity would take and then accordingly make promises to others. If required keep a small buffer to save you just in case there are delays.
  11. We must identify our Prime Time i.e. the time of the day at which our body is at its peak energy level.  Then we must do our toughest tasks during our Prime Time.
  12. We must learn how to Multi-task effectively. Multitasking is a very misunderstood concept. In a separate post, I will try to explain what is the correct way to Multi-Task.
  13. We must start delegating certain tasks to others (Our family members or subordinates/ colleagues at the workplace). However it is important to first train them on performing that task well.
  14. We must avoid procrastination of tasks. The ones that are difficult or overwhelming are often pushed ahead. We must break them into smaller manageable chunks or convince ourselves of the benefits of accomplishing them.
  15. We must consciously keep ourselves away from people who kill our time i.e. distract us from our goals and end up wasting our time.
  16. Once we pick up a task to complete, we must learn how to deal with interruptions and how to maintain continuity after an interruption. At times we must isolate ourselves during certain tasks to avoid being interrupted and disturbed by others.
  17. We must keep a check on our time spent on Social Media (Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter etc) which can be major distractions.
  18. We must create checklists to remind us of tasks, use reminders, alarms or Pop-ups to ensure that we don’t forget important tasks.
  19. We could use Online services such as Online Banking, Shopping etc which can save us a lot of time that would otherwise go in traveling, parking and physical movement.
  20. We need to understand the Pareto Principle 80:20 Principle i.e. we need to focus on those 20% tasks that make an 80 % impact on our life

Remember that yesterday is a cancelled cheque, tomorrow is a promissory note. Today is the only CASH that you have. so spend it wisely.

Healing my car’s dying battery

This experience of healing my car’s battery is something which any logical person will not believe to be true. I’m quite sure that most of you would definitely laugh at this. In fact, being an engineer, I too would not have accepted it if someone else had told me this. Here’s what happened.

My car’s battery had started giving me trouble. For several days, every morning I would have trouble starting the car. I knew that it had already completed 3.5 years and was practically on the verge of dying. Due to a busy schedule, I was somehow not able to spare time to get it replaced.  It was not charging well, neither it was holding charge for long. At long signals, if I would turn off my car, it would have trouble starting. After several instances where I had trouble with the ignition, I got the battery inspected by a battery technician who told me that the life of this battery was absolutely over and that it I could land up in trouble anytime if I did not get it changed immediately. He said that  there was no solution apart from replacement.

Once, when I was traveling towards Powai, a suburb of Mumbai for a meeting with a client, on the way, the battery died and my car wouldn’t start at all. I tried the ignition multiple times but it didn’t help. The fan was working at very slow speed and same was with lights too which clearly indicated that the battery was dying. The horn was also not working.

I thought of trying after waiting for a while and so, about 5 minutes later tried again without any success. The only option left was to push start the car and travel to a battery shop to buy a new battery. Unfortunately there was nobody who could help me with giving a push, and I didn’t know where I could find a battery shop nearby.

Suddenly a crazy thought crossed my mind. I questioned myself, by any chance, would the heart energy healing or the Listening to Bio field method work on my battery. Laughed at myself on this stupid illogical thought and dropped the idea. Tried ignition a couple of times and soon realized that by this time the battery was completely dead. The horn too was not working, neither were the lights.

Finally, said to myself, what’s the harm in trying. Why not give it a try?
So I opened the bonnet and started moving my palms above the battery trying to listen to my battery with my palms. Luckily there was nobody around to see me waving my hands over the battery like a crazy person. In a few seconds, I started feeling very strong vibrations on my palms. I was amused and continued the healing, holding an intention in my mind to revive the battery. My own belief in the process was very low since the engineer inside me was telling me that this was the most stupid thing ever and there was no chance that a completely dead battery would get revived by doing this.

In about 3-4 minutes, to check if there was any change, I decided to try turning the ignition and while I had zero hopes, to my surprise, in my first attempt the engine turned on. I was glad that my car had started and that now I could at least reach a reliable battery shop near my residence and get it replaced.

To my surprise, all the symptoms of a dying battery had instantly disappeared.
The horn was sounding good. Fan was working fine, and the low battery indicator too which was earlier coming on occasionally was now off. I thought of observing it for a couple of days more before taking a decision to replace. However, in a week’s time I realized that there seemed to be no reason to replace it. To be on the safer side, I took my car to a battery shop to get it inspected and the technician checked it using his measuring gadgets and told me that it was perfectly fine. He topped it up with some battery water and told me that there was nothing wrong with the battery. it was charging well and was holding charge perfectly. You will be surprised to know that after this incident, for next 6 months, till the time I sold my car, the battery did not trouble me even once.

I knew that the healing technique worked on humans, but for the first time I had seen it giving a wonderful healing outcome for something that we call as Non-Living. We often forget that it is the same universal energy that is flowing through us as well as through everything Living or Non-Living on earth. In fact there is nothing that is Non Living. Everything is just a different form of the same universal energy. I encourage you to learn this technique. My blog has detailed steps, however, do let me know if you want further guidance.

Have a wonderful day ahead.

Healing a beautiful Blue Bird

This happened in the month of May 2017 when I was on a holiday with my family at Tall trees resort which is a lovely riverside resort a few kilometers before Manali in Himachal Pradesh.

After having a lovely sumptuous lunch, we were relaxing in our cottage when all of a sudden there was a very loud sound of something crashing into the window pane of our cottage. I got up and thought of going outside into the veranda to check what had happened. As I stood up, through the long glass window, I was able to see a beautiful blue bird that had fallen to the floor and was completely motionless.

All of us inside were watching it and for about a minute there was no sign of any movement. It was completely unconscious. Soon, its partner came beside it, and tried to revive it, but without any success. Its partner seemed to be very disturbed and tried its best to make it move by pushing it and pecking it with its beak.

There was a mark on the glass pane too indicating that it was a very severe impact for the bird. With no signs of revival, I decided to do some healing for it.  I went close to the bird and seeing me, its partner immediately flew away and perched itself on a branch nearby watching me. I sat next to the bird and held my hands out. I used both Heart energy healing and the technique of listening to the bird’s bio field for about 10 minutes to help it heal.

Soon the bird was looking better and was moving a bit but was still not ready to fly off on itself. After a while, I gently slid my hand below it and took the lovely bird in my hand. Its eyes were open but it was not moving its wings neither its neck. I continued the healing process for about 5-7 minutes. Soon the bird seemed to be happy and comfortably sitting on my palm. Never in my life had I seen such a beautiful bird from so near.

After a while, though I was delighted to have the bird in my hand, I finally decided to slowly push it in the air in an attempt to check if it could fly now. As soon as I did that, the bird flapped its wings and flew up into the sky. Its partner which was eagerly waiting nearby, joined it almost instantly and they both flew away into the woods.

Building Rapport and Relationship

For any individual to be successful at the workplace or in personal life, the ability to work together in interdependence with others is absolutely essential. We must have the ability to operate in synergy with our stakeholders.

We call this skill as Interpersonal skill.  Although we call it a skill, in reality it is a Competence and like every other competence it has a Knowledge, Skill and Attitude component.

  • Knowledge about people, their background, preferences etc,
  • Skill to interact, get along with others, deal with conflict, collaborate and
  • Attitude of genuineness, love, concern, caring, trust, empathy, forgiveness,

At the core of all this, however lies the ability to quickly build ‘Rapport and Relationship’ and maintain it over the years.

There are very few professions where one would not need to work together with others. From a peon to director, everyone needs to interact with people (colleagues, seniors, subordinates, people from other departments, vendors, Service providers etc)

Unfortunately, people don’t give enough importance to building good relationships and therefore are unable to achieve desired level of success.

I believe that one must invest time in building relationship as the first step in any activity be it at work or at home. I have noticed that the biggest of big problems can be resolved if our relationship with people are good whereas the smallest of small problem can give us enough headache if our relationships are  bad. What this means is that the size of the problem actually doesn’t matter. What really matters is the quality of our relationships.

Lot of people believe in building need-based relations. They maintain connect only when in need. After their job is done they don’t bother to maintain connect. When such people call up someone and talk sweetly, the other person knows that this sweet talk is momentary and only to get some work done. It is more or less a conditional relationship, just to get /take something from others. I don’t think these kind of relationships really work.

Good relations are built based on a foundation of giving and not taking.

I recently came across a very insightful article by Dr. Frank Kinslow and here’s what he has written ..

(By Dr. Frank Kinslow)

A connection between two people is actually all about three entities.
For instance if you and I are friends, then there is the “you” entity, the “me” entity and, where we two overlap and bond, the “us” entity.

You are responsible for you and I am responsible for me and we are together responsible for that part of our lives that overlap and influence each other.

I like to represent this you – me – us triad as two overlapping circles with a shared common area between them.
The overlapping “we” area is often referred to as a vesica piscis revealed in varied disciplines from science to religion.

We are individuals beyond our relationship but when we come together we create a synergy far greater than the sum of our individual lives.
The “us”, the vesica piscis, is a vibrant, seething, presence which is created when we merge and it can live long after we separate in the moments and the memories of all those we have touched.

So what we bring to a relationship is of ultimate importance.
If the ‘YOU’ and the ‘I’ come to take from each other, they create a wounded vesica piscis, distorted by their own cravings. Those distortions are amplified many times over and are ultimately damaging to both and all that we touch.

If one of us comes to give and the other take the vesica piscis is healthier but still wanting.

However, when both come together with the idea of giving the vesica piscis miraculously transforms into an ocean of love and out of this love new and wonderful worlds are created. When we enter a relationship aware of our united non dual spirit, giving is the natural result. It really is the most amazing experience two people can have.

Unfortunately, Humans are losing the ability to give effortlessly and unconditionally. But that is easy to fix. It is after all our natural state of being.
We simply need to let our essence mingle and merge with the essence of others. Then, awash in the waves of mutual love, turn to the next waiting heart. – Dr. Frank Kinslow

Have a fantastic week ahead and build wonderful relationships that will last a lifetime.

Reaction Vs. Response

We all consider ourselves to be responsible people. That’s the way other people would want us to be or that’s how organization’s would want their employees to be. Responsible.

Let’s try to understand what is responsibility. If we break the word Responsibility into two words, we get Response + Ability . So, Responsibility means the ability to Respond. Now let’s try to understand what is the meaning of a Response.

For that, let’s take a scenario where there is a stimulus i.e. an event, after which we need to take an action or give a reply. There are two ways in which this action can be taken.

  1. Immediate or instant action after the event or stimulus
  2. Action that is taken after a short delay or Gap

Now, most people tell me that an instant action would be better. However this is where I differ.

An instant action is called as a Reaction, as show in the figure below:

The problem with a reaction is that it is instant, and therefore doesn’t allow us time to think and apply our mind before taking the action or decision or giving a reply. Therefore there is a chance that our action might not be a very thoughtful one and we might have to repent later.

In contrast, an action that is taken after a Gap is called as a Response. This is shown in the figure below

Here, the GAP gives us time to think and consciously choose our response.

Dr. Viktor Frankl has very rightly stated that between a stimulus and a response, there lies a gap, and in that gap lies the power to choose our response and in that response lies our growth and freedom.

If we consider ourselves to be responsible, we must consciously respond every time. This means that every time there is a stimulus, we must stop for a moment, think and then consciously take a decision or make a choice of our action.

People who think that a Gap means a delay have misunderstood the concept. This Gap is not a delay, it is a small amount of time, in most cases a few seconds, a few minutes, a few hours, or in some rare cases a couple of days. Nothing more. The Gap is a time duration just adequate to be able to take a good decision pertaining to the matter at hand.

Some people tell me that in Emergencies one cannot keep a gap and therefore will end up reacting. What I would like to remind such people is that emergency teams too are called as Emergency Response teams and not emergency React Teams.

This means that in Emergencies too people are essentially expected to respond.

Except that in such cases the gap will be very small, probably a few seconds. This is made possible by training these teams so well that the same decisions that we would need minutes to take, these people can take in seconds. They are  made aware of all possible scenarios and decision S.O.P is made in advance or by some people is made on the spot based on their experience. This ensures that even in an emergency, the decision is taken properly .

The problem is that some people simply don’t know how to ensure this GAP in day to day situations. A simple solution is that when people ask you to come up with your reply immediately, simply ask for some time. Tell them..”Can I get back to you in 5 minutes or 10 minutes” . You are not asking for a Day or Week, 5-10 minutes is reasonable and ideally justified to make a choice.

So, let’s promise ourselves to always ‘Respond’ and never ‘React’. That way we will never have to repent on things that we shouldn’t have said or things that we shouldn’t have done. That way we can also claim to be Responsible.


Developing an Internal Locus of Control

Here’s a very interesting concept called Locus of control which can have a very big impact on one’s success in life.

Locus of control gives an idea about the extent to which an individual feels that he/she is in control of their lives and things that are happening to them.

In the context of Locus of Control (LOC) There are three types of people in this world:

  1. Luck LOC people
  2. External LOC People
  3. Internal LOC people

Let’s have a look at each type and the consequence of being that type:

1. Luck LOC:

People who have a ‘Luck LOC’ believe that everything that happens to them is a matter of luck. They are firm believers of Fate, Destiny, Luck, God, etc and believe that that is what controls everything and they have absolutely no control on their life and what happens to them.

2. External LOC: 

People who have an ‘External LOC’ believe that everything that happens to them because of others. It could be their parents, teachers, colleagues, friends, boss, customers or practically anyone but not themselves. They too like the earlier case, believe that they have very little or almost no control on what is happening to them.

3. Internal LOC:

People who have an ‘Internal LOC’ in contrast to the above two types have a firm belief that they themselves have a high degree of control on whatever is happening in their life, and if anything Good or Bad is happening it is due to their action or inaction.

Let’s now understand the outcome of the above three types of LOC.

Luck LOC people when confronted with failure or success, simply attribute it to their fate, destiny or god. Success too is attributed to Luck and same is with failure. They never take ownership of their actions, and happily declare that things just happened because it was destined to happen that way. They also do not take any action to correct the situation apart from hoping that their luck would be better next time. Some people  will probably pray to god more or increase their offerings to god for him to bless them with better luck next time.

External LOC people end up attributing their success or even failure to other people. If they succeed, then it’s because of others (that’s ok in a sense since it at least looks nice and humble) but when they face failure, they blame others for it. They blame their parents, teachers, boss, company, country, policies, environment, other events etc. etc. the list is endless. They are experts in playing the Blame Game. Everyone else is responsible for the problem except they themselves. These people too, don’t take any corrective action.  They just hope that others will do the needful and others will behave better and be more supportive next time.

Internal LOC people in contrast, are the ones who take ownership for whatever has happened in life. Whether it is success or failure. In both cases, they take ownership. When faced with failure, they never blame others or their luck but instead think about what incorrect action THEY took and how THEY can do it better next time. They identify specific actions that need to be taken and implement those.

In my view, to be successful in life, we must have a dominant Internal Locus of Control. I am not saying that we must take 100% blame. That would be unreasonable, since circumstances, other people  and luck do play a certain role at times. but that can be limited to 10% -20% or at the most 30% . However, majorly we must take ownership for our actions and our decisions and their outcome, and then identify what WE need to do differently next time to lead us to success.

Wish you a wonderful day ahead !!

Triangulation: A Powerful Healing Technique

I have found Triangulation to be a very powerful method of healing, and in today’s post, I am sharing the method by which this is done.

Like any other healing method, the prerequisite for this method too is a deep sense of awareness of the present moment. If you maintain awareness on your body for a certain duration of time, it normally automatically leads to a feeling of peace, calmness and joy within just a few minutes. Once this feeling of stillness has kicked in, the healing process can begin. Over a period of time, you will notice that as soon as you take up a case for healing, this calm state of stillness will automatically come up.

Steps are as follows:

  1. Place one palm on the part that you desire to heal. Let’s call this as point ‘A’. Now become completely aware of point A, as intensely as you can. Feel the touch of your skin with the other’s body, feel the temperature or pressure at that point. Feel the surface of contact. Feel anything that is happening in your palm as you touch point A. Be aware of this for about 30 seconds to a minute.
  2. Now, intuitively place your other palm on any other point on the body of the person that you are healing. Let’s call this point as Point ‘B’ . Note that there’s no particular way to choose this second point. simply go by what your mind tells you. Become fully aware of this point too, as intensely as you were aware of Point A. feel the touch, sensations, pressure, temperature etc.. with as much awareness as you can maintain.
  3. Now, simultaneously bring your attention to Point A and Point B together as intensely as you can and then simply add a 3rd Dimension let’s call it Point C . Point C is nothing else but the feeling of stillness and bliss that is within you as a result of your own awareness of your body and witnessing the whole process.  Just be aware of A,B, and C together, and hold on to that awareness for 4-5 minutes.

Since the last 6 months, i.e. starting from Jan 2019, I have used this method very frequently for doing healing treatment and it has given me excellent results. When I use this method, usually within a minute, the person I’m healing starts feeling changes happening inside. This are in the form of twitches, shifts, movement, flow, jerks etc.. which I call as healing indicators.

I usually ask people to rate the intensity of their problem/ pain/ discomfort on a 1-10 scale prior to the treatment and then make them rate it after the treatment. In most cases there is a significant change either immediately or in a day’s time.

I have observed that the healing process depends largely on the feeling of stillness and joy that I experience i.e. Point C within myself. For you, getting this feeling simply depends on your level of awareness on your body. I have charged this page with my consciousness of my being and ideally, as you read this, the frequencies would have already made a change within your consciousness too. To check, stop reading for a moment, take your awareness inside to your spine and check if right now, you feel a much deeper sense of calmness, stillness and joy. I’m sure you must be feeling it.

If this method excites you and you want to learn this, drop me a message and I will be glad to help you learn this. Have a great day ahead !!


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