Unresolved emotions can be the cause of disease

This post is on a subject that we normally do not give much importance to. However, I have realized over the years that the root cause of most illnesses (especially those ones for which modern medicine is unable to treat successfully) are caused due to emotional disturbances.

Even the ones that modern medicine claims to cure, come back to the patient again in the same or some other form  especially since modern medicine deals with the physical symptom rather than the root cause which is often emotional in nature.

People keep trying various kinds of treatments without any success not knowing that the root cause lies deep within themselves in the form of some or other emotions such as guilt, hurt, sorrow, humiliation, traumas, phobias etc that are not addressed or resolved.

Over the last 2-3 years, I have been treating a few cancer patients. One thing that I noticed was that each one of them had some emotional issues deep inside their mind. In some cases, it took me lot of effort to help them bring these out. While I was doing healing sessions, they too realized how deeply the disease and the emotion were connected.

There was one lady (suffering from breast cancer) I was treating who felt a particular intense feeling in her body every time I did the healing technique. Later she revealed that she was struggling with a very old emotion related to an attachment and physical relationship that she had prior to her marriage. She had guilt that she had not told her husband about this.

Every time I did a healing session fer her, she would report a choking feeling in her throat, prompting me to ask her what she was unable to express. Finally after several sessions and counseling, she spoke about it. I am confident that she is on her way to creating a healthy mind and Body for herself.

Another lady, suffering from Liver cancer has issues related to Anger, depression and lack of love by her partner. This is a case of having a partner who was just not sensitive to her emotional as well as sexual needs. I am sure that we have thousands of such women around who suffer due to these issues.

I was treating a lady with lower back pain and a feeling of lot of discomfort in her abdominal area. When asked, she said it felt like a knot which was there permanently. When I started treating her, her body suddenly went into a motion where the abdominal area and chest started moving back and forth. It seemed  as if she was having convulsions. However, when I asked her if she was in any discomfort, she replied that she was feeling really good and comfortable. After a while tears started rolling down her eyes and she started telling me things about her life, family etc including an extra marital attachment that she has with a certain person and the guilt that she lives with.

As she kept telling me all this, tears were rolling down but she seemed to be feeling better and better. In about 5-7 minutes she had a smile on her face and when I asked her how she felt, she told me that the back pain was gone and the knot like feeling in her stomach had also vanished. I realized that the clearing up of emotional energy had led to the healing. I spoke to her a few weeks later and she told me that she was completely cured. She was surprised how in that moment she told me all those things which she had never mentioned to anyone in her life.

The Dongui Bogam is a Korean book compiled by the royal physician, Heo Jun (1539 – 1615) and was first published in 1613 during the Joseon Dynasty of Korea. The DongUiBoGam states the following: “Liver is in charge of anger, heart is in charge of happiness, spleen is in charge of thoughtfulness, lungs are in charge of sadness, and kidneys are in charge of fear.”

Have a look at this link where Louise Hay has given a list of various diseases or health issues and the emotional aspect that these are linked to.

Causes of symptoms according to Louise Hay

I am confident that the healing process that I use works at deeper levels where the root cause exists and help us address the issue at the deepest level of nothingness where cleansing happens spontaneously and good health can be created instantly. I am hoping to actively experiment on this in future.

Holding Space for someone you want to Heal

I recently came across a beautiful post on Facebook which was on the topic of Holding the Space. I have inserted it here for your reference without any changes:

What-it-really-means-to-be-there-and-HOLD SPACE for-someone-else
“A healer does not heal you. A healer is someone who holds space for you while you awaken your inner healer, so that you may heal yourself.”

~Maryam Hasnaa

I was sobbing quite hysterically, huddled into myself sitting on the kitchen floor. It literally felt like my life was falling apart. And so was I. I had been striving so hard to start a meaningful business that would change the world and help others, as well as heal myself from intense ongoing physical symptoms. But it seemed the harder I tried, the less things worked.

My head bobbed slightly off my knees as I took ragged breaths.
What the hell was wrong with me? The thought that was driving my meltdown was unintelligible in my brain, due to the crashing waves of my emotional reaction. But somehow, eventually, I found myself able to fully lift my head and stare straight on at my distorted reflection in the stainless steel door of the dishwasher. The whole while, he sat with me. My endlessly loving partner, Jonathan, held space.

I remember when I first turned to a friend and said, “What does holding space really mean?” I asked with the inquisitiveness of a child, like a small human who does not yet know what a word means.
Because with something like this, can any of us really find the words to accurately explain it?

She used a story in an attempt to define it, “When I was really freaking out about something, I went over to my friend’s house and just let it all out. My friend was able to just listen to me and just you know… hold the space.”

“Holding space” is a concept that is hard to define without using the exact same words to define it. But as she explained it to me, I realized I’ve been lucky to have many experiences of people holding space for me, and I for them.
When it comes down to it, what are we really doing when we are “holding space?” The interesting thing about this term is that we aren’t actually “holding” anything.

When your daughter comes home from school and wants to tell you all about her day, and you listen intently… you are holding space. When your friend vents about how hard work was that day, and you give him your full attention… you are holding space.

When you are flipping out over one thing or another or all the things, and someone looks at you with complete acceptance… that is holding space.
When you are both recognizing what is currently is going on, and open to stepping into a new reality… that is holding space.

Holding space is about being in the space.  It’s about being fully present with the experience. Holding space is viewing someone without judgment and seeing him or her through loving kindness. Holding space is recognizing that although we all may stumble, we are all also so powerful.

Holding space is like holding the door open for someone to walk through to experience a new model of the world. Instead of feeling like the walls are caving in, holding space literally gives breathing room to express, open up, and simply be where we are.

What we are really doing when we hold space is nothing but pure acceptance—of ourselves, of others, and of the moment.

As Brene Brown says, “When we are looking for compassion, we need someone who is deeply rooted, is able to bend, and most of all, embraces us for our strengths and struggles.”

Those compassionate, rooted people in our life are invaluable to help us weather the storm and stand in the light again. But what happens when that other person just is not available to you in that moment?

Holding space doesn’t have to involve anyone else physically being there with us or listening to us directly. You can each hold space for yourself. When you are going through something big (or seemingly small), you can hold space for yourself by tapping into self-compassion.

Dr. Kristin Neff defines three components of self-compassion as self-kindness, common humanity, and mindfulness. Self-kindness entails being warm and understanding towards ourselves when we suffer, fail, or feel inadequate. Instead of ignoring our pain or hurting ourselves with self-criticism, self-kindness involves being gentle with yourself when you encounter a painful experience.

Common humanity is that reminder that we all suffer. We are all mortal, vulnerable, and imperfect. This suffering is part of the shared human experience. Realizing that can help us feel less isolated and more connected within that space.

Mindfulness is taking a balanced approach to our challenging emotions so that feelings are neither suppressed nor exaggerated. Instead of “over-identifying” with our thoughts and feelings, mindfulness is a willingness to observe our negative thoughts and emotions with openness, clarity, and equanimity. It’s a non-judgmental way of becoming aware of our inner experience as it is, without trying to suppress or deny.

We cannot ignore our pain and feel compassion at the same time. This means, the more you can hold space for yourself, the more you can hold space for others. In that space, we all experience what it means to feel unconditional love.

When you feel unconditionally loved, you are able to fully own your own experience and truly be who you are. There is a calmness and clarity and an ability to also love the world as it is. This is where true power comes from. When we are able to be in unconditional love, all of our thoughts, words, and actions flow from it. We are bringing more of that love into the world.

Which means holding space isn’t just beneficial for one. It benefits all.
By loving ourselves, we also hold space for the world .

Danielle LaRock

Pain is not a Problem, it’s a Solution

Most people dislike pain and look at it as an undesirable aspect of an illness. When they realize that they are unable to get rid of the disease, they try their best to get rid of the pain. While this is quite natural, one must not look at pain in that way.

In this post, would like to draw your attention to a very important aspect of healing and sensitize you that pain is actually not a problem, rather is the solution to the problem.

A very interesting but less known fact about Awareness, is that Awareness or consciousness helps in healing things and bringing the body in a state of harmony or balance. Whenever any part of the body is unwell, injured or tired, it obviously needs healing. The body knows that this healing can be quickly achieved by two ways

1.  By feeding it with Awareness (Because awareness helps in healing)

2.  By ensuring that the body part gets rest to prevent it from further wear and tear.

The body achieves both of the above simply by creating a feeling of Pain. The more the awareness is required, or rest is required, greater will be the pain.  Therefore, the body’s immediate response is to create pain which then quickly attracts our awareness or attention.

So, say for example, your knee is not well, then to heal itself quickly, it needs your awareness and to get that its only way of communicating this to you is by creating a feeling of pain or discomfort in that area, so that you immediately put your attention or awareness there .

At this time, if you give it your full awareness, your knee can actually heal itself instantly in minutes. (I say this with confidence after having done hundreds of such instant healing) . However what we do these days is that instead of listening to the knee and simply giving it our pure awareness, we ask it to shut up by taking a pain killer.

That’s where everything starts going wrong. A result of taking the pain killer is that we no longer are conscious or aware of the knee and also no longer feel the need to give it rest, and so we continue with our stressful use of the knee thereby damaging it further.

Don’t you think this is the start point of all trouble. I always tell people that look at pain not as a problem but as a solution. If we simply give our pure awareness to the part that’s paining, in a short while the body or unwell part will do the needful that’s required and will get fine. Once the root cause is gone, pain (which is the symptom) will disappear automatically.

Think about this and next time you have pain, you know exactly what to do and what to avoid.

In my next post, I intend to write about how to create a deep state of awareness by listening to the body at a Zero point mindless state.

Create Stillness for thoughts to Manifest into Reality

I’m sure a lot of people around are interested in knowing how to manifest their dreams and goals. Very often people put in tremendous effort and engage their mind in endless thinking about their goals and how to convert these into reality., without getting results. This post will serve as a guide to them.

It is important to understand that everything on this earth has always and will always emerge or come from ‘No-thing’. i.e. the state of Nothingness is the state of creation and in order to create something, effort is not required, rather effortlessness is required in the presence of a deep state of Nothingness.

Till the time our mind keeps endlessly running after plans and strategies to make our goals real, we might be missing a very critical ingredient of the recipe. Please understand that I do not imply that planning and strategy is not required, however, if the most fundamental ingredient is missing, no matter how much we plan or create strategies, things will not manifest.

If you have a very turbulent ocean and you throw a large stone into it, it will not create ripples, however, if you have a very still pond of water and drop a tiny grain of sand in it, it will instantly create a ripple.

Note that our entire universe is in the form of vibrations or waves of energy and these energy vibrations can help matter take any form based on their nature. A simple experiment can demonstrate this. Have a look at this link.

If energy is already in a disturbed state, it will not be able to reorganize matter into what you want. and even if it does, what you get will not be exactly what you wanted. It will be distorted, diluted, modified due to the noise.

You might wonder what noise am I referring to. It’s the noise of our mind, the endless chain of thoughts that happen to us. The mind like a drunken  monkey keeps jumping around creating endless noise which doesn’t allow stillness to exist. and without stillness, we won’t be able to manifest our dreams.

So, as a first step, learn how to create stillness in yourself. This can be done in three simple steps. Just by becoming AWARE.

Step 1: Become aware … deeply aware of your body or any action that you are doing in the present moment.(When we are anchored in the present moment, the mind simply disappears. it has no existence in this zone called present)

Now that your mind has vanished, you’ll feel some nice feeling of silence, peace, joy within. Your ability to catch this feeling is important. Once you catch this feeling, only then you are ready to move to step 2.

Step 2: This step needs you to simply be deeply aware of the above feeling within. Just be aware of this inner feeling for a few minutes. So first was awareness of the body which lead to the feeling of joy, peace and calm. Step 2 is about being aware of this joy peace and calm. This awareness will bring you to a very deep feeling of stillness in your entire body especially in the base of the spine. You’ll feel very still and calm. as if you have become a rock solid statue. this brings you to step 3.

Step 3: In step 3, just be aware of the Stillness that you have started to feel within.  Do this for a few minutes and you’ll feel the stillness get deeper and deeper and more stable. This is the state where you’ll be experiencing a state of Nothing. This is the fertile ground where the seed has to be sown. Here the mind is absent, but our being is present. the whole universe and its potential is available for us to use.

In short, just getting deeper aware sequentially moving step by step into deeper levels of awareness can get you here. This is what will create the fertile ground for your dreams to manifest.

Try this and let me know if you need any support or guidance.


Working with Focus: Using the power of One-Pointed awareness

Very often, despite putting in a lot of effort, we do not get desired results. We often wonder why we are not able to succeed even after putting in so much effort. Well.. the problem often does not lie in the amount of total effort that goes in, but instead the amount of effort that is actually put into the moment (NOW) while performing the task.

Let me give you an example. Let’s say you have a metal plate and want to make a hole in it. Let’s assume that we have a tool and are applying a force of 10 Kgf i.e.  98 Newtons or let’s say Approx 100 Newtons. to make that hole. Now look at the figure and tell me whether this tool will be able to make the hole.

Obviously your answer will be in the negative. The reason why we would not be able to make the hole is that only 10% force is reaching the spot where the hole is to be made whereas 90 % of the force is getting spread on areas where it is not required.

However, don’t you think this is what exactly happens when we are putting effort on a particular task. We are so distracted that out of our entire attention, barely 10% is getting into the task that we are performing and the rest 90% is getting withered and wasted elsewhere. Isn’t it natural that we wouldn’t achieve accomplishment of goals.

I have often observed people so distracted in almost everything that they do. When they are eating, they are simultaneously talking, with someone or are on their phone, looking into their mobiles checking messages, watching television or a game, thinking about something that happened in the morning, or worrying about a presentation that they need to deliver in the afternoon. not even 5% of their attention is in eating. The food is just mechanically going down their mouth to the stomach. And then they wonder why they suffer from all kinds of health issues, digestive disorders, indigestion and are unable to get the required nutrition from what they eat. With just 5% attention in the eating process, what else should they expect.

So, what we need to  do is to focus ourselves into the present moment while we are performing the task. Actually, the Present Moment i.e. the NOW is where everything is happening, every action takes place only in the NOW.

However, while we live our life, our mind doesn’t allow our attention or awareness to remain fully in the present moment. It keeps jumping around like a drunken monkey into the Past and Future without being in the NOW.

So, as shown in the figure below, if we are able to ensure that we are fully present in the NOW moment, then the entire effort gets concentrated at one point and the job will get done in a moment. In fact, if we follow the principle of ‘One Pointed Awareness’ we will be able to do the same task as before in 1/10th of the effort.

So, here’s what we simply need to do, in order to make our life effortless. We must always be in the NOW with One pointed awareness (Ekagrata) Ek = One , Agr = Point. When we focus on a particular task with full attention we suddenly get into a zone where things become effortless. We always have a choice, to work with effort or to work effortlessly. Obviously, the sensible choice would be to work effortlessly.

When we are eating, we must just eat, when driving, just drive, when working on an assignment, just be 100% immersed into it.. and we will soon realize how impactful our work becomes and what magical results we achieve effortlessly.

However, for that to happen, we will have to be in the Present moment without allowing our mind to distract us. That way, we will get the job done with less effort and will also not feel tired in the process.

Wish you a wonderful day ahead, deeply immersed in what you are doing every moment in the NOW !!


Learn healing in 10 minutes flat

When I talk to people about the healing that I do and when I tell them about my dream to teach this to the whole world, a question that is always asked is ..How much time does it take to learn?.

I tell them that it takes just about 10-12 minutes and this includes the time taken for me to explain the concept, help them get the feeling on their hands and then demonstrate how it is done.  This helps them to instantly start trying the healing on others. Very often, they are initially not willing to believe that they will be able to immediately start doing healing that gives instant results, but when they see miraculous results right in front of their eyes, they get completely convinced.

I  will share a recent experience while I was teaching this to a group of people who were attending my workshop on Leadership skills. At the end of the day, I mentioned to them about the healing that I do and some of them showed interest, so after dinner, we sat together and I explained the principle and application to them. After activating the palms of few in the group, some of them asked me who they could try it on. Luckily, there were a couple of others in the group who had back pain, leg pain, neck pain etc. so I suggested that they could try their newly acquired skill on these people.

Groups were formed and they started doing the healing. To their surprise, those who were being treated, almost immediately told them that they were feeling some movement happening inside their body. They could feel different sensations happening and a strong flow of something within. I told them that they should be happy that the healing process had started.

In a few minutes, one of the person being healed said that his back was feeling better and the pain had almost gone. In a short while, another lady started burping loudly and this went on continuously with burps after burps non-stop.

I told them that the burps were indicating a release of stuck vatha (Flow) from her back which was causing her the pain and that her back was definitely going to heal. They did treatment to her for 10 minutes more. She reported that she was feeling much lighter and relieved of pain and the next day she reported that the pain was completely gone.

Suddenly all those who were doing the healing the previous night realized the amazing power of healing that they had got within with just 10 minutes of learning. This would be with them for ever and they would be able to use this on their loved ones and several others who needed healing.

Just yesterday, I taught the technique to a person attending my session in as little as 5 minutes since we were really short of time and next day in the morning, he said that he had tried it on his wife who suffers from chronic headaches and that with just 5 minutes of treatment to her, the headache had completely vanished and she was feeling better.

All those who want to learn this technique, be assured that you can learn this in a very short period of time…practically in 10 minutes. The advanced concepts take a few sessions more, but to start the healing process, 10 minutes of learning of the fundamentals is good enough. If this excites you, do get in touch with me and I will be happy to teach this method to you.


The body is intelligent. It knows what to heal

In almost all of the healing treatment that I have done for people, one thing that I have experienced is that the body of the person being healed knows exactly where the healing is required and also how the healing has to be achieved.

I am not a doctor and therefore I do not have an understanding of the internal biology of the human body. I do not understand the muscular system and how one needs to get rid of a particular pain or sprain or injury.

When people get cured from their health issues and ask me what exactly did I do to get them cured, my answer is always the same. I did nothing. I tell them that I went into the state of nothingness and did nothing. The better nothing I do, I have observed that the healing is faster. It is difficult for them to understand this state but a little explanation usually gets their doubts clarified.

At times, issues which were not even told to me by the person I was healing have been healed automatically. Recently I was helping a person to heal his severe back pain (as usual by doing nothing), and surprisingly within 4-5 minutes, his 6 month old severe back pain got completely healed. His body automatically made all the movement of bones in the spinal cord to achieve the desired effect. I could practically see his entire body tremble for a few minutes after which he instantly got cured.

However what was surprising was that his wrist pain due to an accident that had happened a fortnight ago also simply vanished. What was most surprising to him was that he had not even mentioned about this to me. This gave us both a glimpse of the body’s intelligence. It really knows what needs to be done to achievement a complete cure. The healer actually needs to know nothing and do nothing.

A couple of years ago, I had a similar experience where I was treating one person for a finger injury. I did a 5 minute healing session for him. Next day he reported that while the finger was significantly better than before, swelling had gone, pain had gone and he could bend it better, surprisingly, that night, he found that one of his tooth which was paining for a very long time was suddenly feeling better. The tooth pain had completely gone. Interesting isn’t it?

I repeat, the healer really needs to know nothing and do nothing. It is in this state of pure nothingness or pure stillness, or a state of no mind or whatever we call it, that the healing spontaneously happens. It feels as if suddenly everything starts getting into order and the current reality just gets dropped as if it didn’t exist at all.

Those of you who are excited to learn this healing technique may contact me. I look forward to the day when every human on this earth is aware of this powerful healing method.

Severe back pain cured in minutes

I am sharing a very interesting healing experience that happened today. As always, the healing actually happened in minutes.

While I was conducting my training session on Team building at Ahmedabad, I noticed that one participant, Mr. J N Mukherjee, was strapping a memory foam cushion /support to the backrest of his chair. When I asked him about it, he mentioned to me that he was suffering from severe back pain for a long time. I immediately offered to treat him during our tea break and he agreed.

During the tea break, he approached me for the healing and I asked him for further details. He told me that he had this severe back pain for around 6 months and that he was under doctors observation and had to take medicines daily to deal with the pain. Also had to take certain injections regularly. I then asked him to stand in front and I started the treatment by trying to sense if there was any communication from his back by moving both of my palms in the air about 1.5 feet away behind his back.

I was almost instantly able to sense strong vibrations on both of my palms. It was as if his back had lot to talk to me and was just waiting for someone to listen to it. Now that I had offered a listeners ear (or rather palm), I started feeling as if there was a huge load of information coming to my hands.

Almost instantly, his entire back started twitching on its own spontaneously. I could see his shoulders jump up and down, hands twitch with jerky vibration and visible movement of his backbone. It appeared to me from behind as if his upper body was going through a quake. He was surprised to find that something like this had started happened inside  his body.

I quickly identified that this was a strong register and was clearly an indication that healing had started. He too mentioned to me repeatedly about the fact that his upper body was uncontrollably shaking and that he was not doing it. It was not stopping even when he was trying to restrict it.

I told him that this was normal and was a part of the healing process.Within less than 2 minutes, he mentioned that he was feeling significant improvement and in the next 4-5 minutes, he was able to feel complete relief from pain. He checked by bending his back ahead and behind as well as sideways repeatedly and was happy to find that there was no pain at all.

Later, I did one more short sessions of 5 minutes of quantum entrainment by placing one palm on his shoulder and one on his back. Basically that was just to ensure that he got deeper healing. While I was doing quantum entrainment, he suddenly started moving his wrist turning it around rotating it clockwise and anticlockwise repeatedly. I was surprised to see him do it and when he did this once more, I finally asked him what the issue was.

He said to me that about 15 days ago he had badly injured his wrist when he fell down from his bike due to which he was not able to move his wrist joint and had a lot of pain if he tried doing it. During the quantum entrainment session, he had suddenly realised that his wrist had got free and he was able to move it completely freely without any pain. That’s why’s he was surprised and was trying to check if it was indeed cured.

I realised that while I wasn’t even aware of his wrist pain, his body which was aware of it, on its own had started the healing process as soon as I had offered it the zero point environment. This is a phenomenon which I have observed happening several times, but for him, it was a surprise since he had not even mentioned to me about this pain.

I then did a further 3-4 minutes of treatment for his wrist after which he felt perfectly fine. I am happy that I was able to be of help to a very nice human being who was suffering from pain for a long time .

Zero point healing never fails to surprise people who can never imagine that such instant healing can happen in reality.

If you find this exciting and want to learn this technique, please contact me and I would be really glad to teach you this simple healing method.

I live with a dream to make this technique reach every human around the world. Your initiative in learning this will help me achieve this dream.

Alpha Brainwave meditation

In this post today, I am sharing with you a very powerful mediation called as the Alpha Brainwave meditation. This meditation can give you a very deep relaxation in a short duration of 7-10 minutes.

I recommend people to do this daily at their workplace for 5-7 minutes after their lunch break. It can give the mind and body a fantastic level of relaxation from workplace stress and mental fatigue.

To give you a bit of background, our brain operates at different frequencies ranging from 0.5 Hz to 40 Hz or even more, depending on the degree of activity of the body or mind. These frequencies can be measured using an EEG by probes attached to the head and body.

At an alert and active state the brain operates at Beta frequency band which is from 15 to 40 Hz. If we start relaxing ourselves then the frequency will get lowered into the Alpha range which is from 7 to 14 Hz. Relaxing below that will get one into Theta which is from 4 to 6 Hz and below that is Delta i.e 4 Hz and below indicating extremely deep sleep.

The picture below shows the frequencies.

The Alpha Brainwave meditation, in just 7 minutes can give very deep relaxation equivalent to 2 hours of Nights sleep. To achieve the Alpha state we simply must relax ourselves to the alpha zone (7-14 hz) and then maintain our awareness at that state without allowing our brain to go down to Theta level where we would fall asleep.

Just follow the steps below and in 5 minutes you will be in the Alpha state. You might ask how you’d know that you are at alpha. There’s a way to figure out that out too. At the alpha brainwave state, our eyelids get locked. So, once you reach a fairly deep level of relaxation, just check (don’t forcefully open but just check) if your eyelids feel locked or heavy. That is an indicator of successful entry into alpha.

Then you can stay in the alpha state for 5-7 minutes and follow the simple 10 count process to get out from alpha to beta state.

The moment brain frequency cones above 14 hz, eyes would automatically open.

Steps are as below:

  1. Sit on a chair in a relaxed way with your back completely resting on the backrest, feet firmly on the ground and hands on thighs. Neck should be straight and eyes gazing at any point on the horizontal plane.
  2. Keep breathing normally and close your eyes. Surrender the entire weight of your body to the chair and floor through the backrest and your feet.
  3. Starting with a count of 30 in your mind, with every exhale, count down one number and keep relaxing your body parts one by one from toe to head. Keep relaxing as you count from 30-29-28-27 with every exhale and do this till the time you reach zero.
  4. Keep relaxing your toes, feet, ankle, calves, knee, thighs, hip, abdomen, back, shoulders, hands, (palms, wrist, fore and hind arms, ) head region, forehead, eyes. Have a  gentle smile on your face.
  5. By this time you would have reach down to a count of 0. Keep relaxing yourself for 1 minute more every time you exhale. Now your brain would have already reached the Alpha zone.
  6. To check if you have reached alpha, check if your eyelids feel heavy  or locked. if this happens, it is a proof that you have reached Alpha. Be here in this zone for 5-7 minutes. let thoughts come in and go out as the want. don’t interact with those thoughts. be a spectator/ witness to their entry and exit.
  7. Now is the time to get out from Alpha back into Beta. Simply start counting from 1 to 10 min your mind, every time make some gentle movements of your legs, hands, head etc. by the time you reach 10, you’d be close to Beta. then rub your palms together and check if your eyes open. If they open it means you are back to Beta. in case they don’t open, just rub your palms again and move them over your face till eyes open.
  8. You are back to beta and may continue with your day. Hope you enjoy this experience.

Alpha meditation is also used for manifesting things by visualization. However, I will write about that in another post.

Have a nice day ahead.

Shoulder pain healed in minutes

This is a recent experience that I had during a training program that I was conducting on problem solving Techniques at Ahmedabad.

During a discussion on root cause analysis, I explained to the group that we need to go down to the Root cause to solve problems. The deeper we go, better will be the solution. The Why-Why Analysis helps us to go deeper and identify the Root cause and if we go deep enough, we can solve problems instantly, practically in minutes.

I told them that I was involved in healing which worked on the same principles and that for me such instant healing occurrences were common. The group didn’t seem to be convinced about my statement, and I understand that since this indeed is difficult to believe unless one experiences it personally.

There was a participant who interrupted and mentioned that he had lot of pain in his shoulder due to which he was unable to lift his right hand above horizontal and was unable to move or turn his hand comfortably without pain. He requested me to demonstrate the healing on him.

Since we were at a juncture in the program where we were supposed to have a 10 minute tea break, I offered to demonstrate the healing process to all by doing 2 minutes of healing by listening to his shoulder (using sensory ability of palms) and 2 minutes of zero point healing.

In about 4-5 minutes, I asked him to check his hand and to his surprise his hand was able to go up straight pointing up to the ceiling effortlessly. He tried moving it up, down sideways, everywhere and said that the pain had completely vanished.

If you want to learn this method, simply go through the step by step guidelines given on this blog in an earlier post dated 6th July 2019.



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