Heart Energy Healing: An Extremely Powerful Healing Method

The ability to heal ourselves as well as others is a very important skill to possess. It is usually felt that only certain people are born with such divine abilities and it is not something with every human can do. I too lived with the same belief. However, what happened in the last 3 years completely changed this belief, especially after I ended up helping more than 500 people in healing themselves using 2-3 different techniques which I think can be learnt by any human on this earth.

Of the above mentioned techniques, the one that this post is focused on is the one that uses Heart Energy for Healing. We could simply call it Heart Energy Healing. While reading more about such kind of healing, I realized that this method makes use of the Electro-Magnetic energy of the heart in order to heal oneself and others.  This is a Scalar energy form and can be transmitted in any direction and over distance without losing its intensity/ power. I have used this over distance, tried putting this into metal objects such as coins and it still works. It’s simply magical in nature.

Over the last 3 years, I have used this method of healing on more than 200 people with amazing results. some of the experiences are nothing less than miracles. This method of healing is very simple to understand and practice and practically anyone can start doing this in 5 minutes after a little bit of practice.

The essentials for using this method are as below:

  1. A high level of Awareness/ Consciousness of our body.
  2. Deep Breathing – Inhalation and exhalation
  3. A very deep sense of Love in the heart so as to amplify the energy
  4. An intention of healing the person but a mind that’s completely silent and not attached to the outcome
  5. Sending Heart Energy from the Heart Chakra (Anahat Chakra) for Healing
  6. Keen observation of what’s happening to the person being treated (Registers or Changes)

According to me, the only 2 points which are a bit challenging for many of us are points 1 and 4. I was able to get control of these just in a few days of practice.  However, let me tell you that for me, results came actually in the very first trial that I did on a lady who had severe back pain. With just 5-7 minutes of treatment, she was completely cured. I believe that you too in your first attempt could get such results. The technique itself is so powerful. Exciting isn’t it.

Now, here’s the process which you follow:

  1. Sit in front of the person you wish to heal. (Remember that you are not healing. The universal energy of love is doing the healing through you as a medium)
  2. Keep breathing in and out normally and with every inhalation and exhalation, become fully aware of your body right from the tip of your toes to your head and the tip of your fingers. An easy way to do this is that as you inhale, take your awareness (attention) from tip of your toes to the head, and as you exhale, take your awareness from the head to the tip of your fingers.
  3. Now, bring in a very strong feeling of love in your heart (Somewhere at the center of the chest, nest to the physical heart lies the Heart Chakra (Vortex) . Imagine as if it is full with love. This is the love that we feel about any person, animal, say a small kitten or puppy, a baby or for our loved ones. Just feel the feeling of love in the heart region. Feel a sense of unity between you and the other person.
  4. With an intention to heal, (but no attachment to outcome), as you exhale, send a stream of Heart Energy to the part that needs healing. Imagine a stream of yellowish white or golden light going from your heart to the affected part. for example, if you are healing someone with joint pain, send the energy to the joint.  You would need to breathe a bot deeper than normal and then with every exhale send heart energy.  Do this with every exhale for the next 5 minutes. Make sure you maintain the body awareness while you do this. The body awareness will also help to in achieving a silent state of Mind.
  5. Observe if the person being treated is feeling any change happening inside his/her body. Often, people report a feeling of heaviness. lightness, tingling sensations, pins and needles, flow inside, burps, heat or cold feeling etc. Watch that since these are the registers that indicate that change has started happening inside.
  6. Do this for 5 minutes or till the time you are comfortable. Often people feel a bit hyperventilated if they breathe too deep. If that is happening to you, do not breathe too deep. Breathe normally. Rest of the process will remain same.
  7. A good idea is to first check the level of pain/ discomfort on a 1-10 scale (1=nothing, 10= severe) . Then after the treatment, again check if there is any change in the level of pain. Very often, you might notice a change. in most cases, i have found that people report next day that they have significant relief or have completely got cured. It probably depends on the person’s body- i.e. it’s  ability to initiate healing and also on the intensity of the problem.
  8. Do a repeat session for 5-7 minutes next day if the person reports an improvement.

In this technique, I have observed that the body uses the energy int he best way that it feels right. I was once treating a person for a finger injury and next day he reported that his finger was much better but what was most surprising that his tooth which was very painful for several days had suddenly stopped paining that night.  Note that I wasn’t even aware of this tooth pain while I was doing healing for him.  So trust that the body is intelligent enough to decide where to use the available energy.

Try this once, and trust me, there will be no looking back. The same method is use while treating ourselves. The power of our Heart Energy is so amazing. It brings in surprises practically every time.  Try it and share your experiences with me on sachin.karve@gmail.com . Feel free to write to me if you need any further guidance. Happy Healing !!

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