Intention to Reality @ the Zero Point

It is said that we all are born with the ability to have our intentions instantly manifest into reality. The prerequisite is that certain conditions and a particular environment is required for for our intention to instantly transform from a Seed of Desire to a Fruit laden Tree in Reality.

However, very often, since the fundamental principles of this process are not known to most of us, the environment that is essentially required  for this instant manifestation is not available and then manifestation does not happen.

In this post, I am trying to share my understanding of what this environment is all about, and how do we create this environment to enable effortless manifestation of our desires.

We must understand that in order to create something, we must first access the field of the ‘Nothing’ . From the field of Nothingness, Something will emerge after a relevant stimulus strikes it. For example,  if I want to create  ripples, then I need to throw a pebble into a still water body. Then, the intensity with which the pebble transfers its energy (Potential Energy+ Kinetic energy) will decide how the wave or the ripple gets created.

One thing that is important to understand is that in the process of creating a ripple, the environment (i.e. the state of water) is what plays a critical role.  I have a question for you. Think about this. If I drop a huge big rock into the extremely turbulent Atlantic ocean, do you think it will create ripples?  Well the chances are low. However in contrast to this, what do you think will happen if I drop a tiny grain of sand in a completely still bucket of water.  Don’t you think ripples will definitely get created.

In an absolutely still pond, if I drop a pebble, then I will get ripples instantly. There will be nothing to disturb my creation, and the entire force that I have applied will be used in the creation. similarly, when we intend to insert an intention into the universe, the first thing that we muse ensure is a silent still state of our mind and being.

For most people, their minds are in an incessant chatter mode. Their mind keeps  jumping around from thought to thought like a monkey jumping form one branch to another on a tree. Stillness is completely absent. Very often, half of the thought waves are in a direction opposite to the goal or outcome that we desire. Thoughts of Failure, Fear, uncertainty, doubt etc keep creating turbulence in the mind. We all know how at times the mind works more in the negative then the positive. Now, in such an environment, if we insert an intention in the field, do you really think our goals will manifest?

In order to create the perfect environment for manifestation, first create a perfectly still state of your being. Then a simple thought will manifest into reality. During the healing treatments that I do, very often, while I am at the Zero point State of stillness, simply looking at an ailing person or body part, triggers a healing reaction almost instantly. The desire to heal manifests itself in the field of the stillness of my being.

The simplest way of creating this still state is to anchor ourselves in the present moment. This is because, in the present moment, the mind has no existence. It can only exist in the Past and Future, and therefore keeps pulling us in these two zones, to keep itself active. However, in the present moment, it simply disappears, and then what remains in the background is the default stillness and silence which is the eternal nature of our being. Once the ship of our being is anchored in the present, it can move nowhere even if a storm comes in.

I normally simply bring my awareness to anything that’s happening in the present moment and anchor my awareness to that. It could be my body, breath, or even any action that I am performing. Even right now as I write, I am experiencing a very deep level of stillness, I have a feeling as if I have got united and one with the universe, and an integral part of the creative field.

Once this silent state is created, then I simply bring in my awareness to the desired goal as it has already happened, (not as it will happen – remember that the universe does not understand future tense. it only understands present tense) and then I thank the universe for already having done whatever was required and then just release this reality creation pebble in that amazing potential field of creation, thereby allowing the universe to take over and use its infinite organizing ability to create what is desired.

If your being is anchored in the NOW during this process, trust me, not a single negative thought will cross your mind  and therefore, there will be nothing to disturb the universe in its creation process.



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