Self Realization by simply being ‘Aware of Awareness’

In this post, I am giving you a simple way to achieve a very profound state of awareness.

Simply follow the steps listed below.

1. Sit in a relaxed position on a chair or cross legged and have a pillow placed on your lap.

2. Place both of your hands on top the pillow with your palms facing down.

3. Become aware of your palms touching the pillow. Look at your hands – fingers and be aware of their presence. Do this for 2 minutes.

4. Become aware of your surroundings using all of your sensory organs – Eyes, Ears and Touch, Smell etc (look at and listen to your surroundings, feel the touch of your clothes or your body touching the chair. (While doing this, simultaneously maintain your awareness on your hands/ palms touching the pillow.

Let’s call all these things that you are aware of as A, B, C….. Now be aware of these for 2-3 minutes.

5.  At this stage as your awareness goes deeper, you will feel a certain feeling of peace within. You will feel calm and relaxed. There’s a chance that the chatter of your mind jumping around might have reduced significantly. Experience this feeling of peace and calm.

6. This is the most crucial stage.  By this time you are already aware of some A, B, C things around you as well as your body. Let’s call this state of being aware as X.

Now simply be aware of this awareness (not of the objects ABC but aware of of the state of being aware i.e X ).

In a short while you will get a glimpse of something either inside you or in the background that’s aware of your awareness. You’ll soon feel deeper peace as you get introduced to this entity. I am not calling it a a Thing because it is actually No-thing (Nothing)

This diagram will be able to explain how awareness becomes aware of itself.

7. This no-thing ness is nothing else but our true self that has always been present in the background since eternity, in the form of pure awareness. It’s been the only thing that’s been with us, aware of each and every thing right from our birth till date and even right now.

8. As you be come aware of this pure awareness, you will start feeling an amazing sense of bliss and joy.. Experience this for a few minutes more.

9. A few minutes later, you might start experiencing a feeling of stillness within yourself. This stillness feels as if you are deeply rooted or grounded at the place where you are sitting. It is a state of peace, joy, bliss, stillness, unboundedness and a feeling of oneness (non duality) with the surroundings.  Experience this for a few minutes.

10. Spend some time being aware of this state of stillness and then whenever you wish, you can just gently get up from your chair and continue with the rest of your day. Since your body will be in an extremely relaxed state, please do not immediately get into anything that will suddenly give it a shock. Let the transition be a bit gradual.

I am confident that these steps will help you to experience a deep state of pure awareness and stillness. Keep in mind that step 6 is the most critical stage. Do let me know if you need any further support.

Have a wonderful day ahead!!



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