In the month of May 2020, I did a healing session on Video call for a person based at Mumbai, who was suffering from Ankylosing spondylitis and what was amazing was that he got instant relief from severe back pain that he had for several years.
Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is a rare type of arthritis that causes pain and stiffness in one’s spine. This lifelong condition, usually starts in the lower back. It can spread up to the neck or damage joints in other parts of the body.
Actually, a friend of mine, having read my e-book on Instant Healing, asked me whether I could help his workplace colleague who had been suffering from this condition for many years. I mentioned to him that I wasn’t aware of this kind of illness, and did not know what this condition was. However, since not having the knowledge of the illness is never a constraint in this healing modality, I agreed to treat him.
This person was suffering from severe back pain for about 10 years. Since the last 6 years, the back pain was so severe that he had to take injections for pain relief and since these injections were very expensive, his total expense on this treatment was more than 3,00,000 Rupees annually. Which means that in 6 years he had spent more than 18,00,000/- rupees just on pain management. Inspite of this, he still was experiencing lot of pain. He had tried Ayurveda treatment for 3 years but had not got any relief.
Since the lockdown was in force in Mumbai, I had no option but to do a healing session for him on video call. During the healing process, he could actually feel movement happening inside his spine. He experienced vaat release in the form of burps during the session as well as later on at night, which indicated that the stuck vaat pressure in his body was getting released by his body.
The very next day he reported that 90% of his pain had disappeared that night. We did another session a couple of days later and his pain completely vanished. The remaining discomfort also vanished after a couple of interactions and I also taught his wife how to do the healing to him.
It has been more than 3 months since then and he has reported that there is complete relief from pain in his back.
I encourage you to learn this fantastic method of healing and create good health for yourself as well as others. The link to my e-book is there on this blog. Else you can visit my website for the link.